About the DAC
The Delaware Accordion Club (DAC) was founded in 1998 by Joe Alexander and Joe Oberly with the help of Stan Darrow. Gary Robinson served as secretary and treasurer.
Our first meeting location was at the Jam and Java Café on Main Street in Newark, DE. Owner Pat Matic welcomed us each month as soloists took turns performing songs and people danced in the aisles.
We changed meeting locations over the years including the Bourbon St. Grill in Wilmington, DE, the 896 Diner in Newark, DE, and the River Club Apartments in Claymont, DE.
Since 2020, we have met monthly via Zoom with occasional luncheons where members and guest play and enjoy an afternoon of accordion music.
For more information, email the DAC President: Susan Shertok at skshertok@yahoo.com